Electrical Measurements
12 hours.
The participant will obtain knowledge, skills and competences to:
- 1. Handle and use equipment properly, patterns (Standard).
- 2. Correct use of all functions of the equipment.
- 3. Train staff to protect equipment, personnel or product.
Addressed to
Leaders, Supervisors and Technicians of the areas: Metrology, Maintenance Quality, Manufacturing and Production of the Organization.
- Introduction.
- I. ISO Standard 17025
- II. ISO Standard 10012, Uncertainty, Reliability
- III. Electrical Measurements, Safety, Electrical Shock
- IV. Introduction, Scales, Scale Reading.
- Analog Multimeters, Connection Care
- Digital Meters, Types, Operation Principle
- Electric Transducer, Profit
- Read deployment Ability
- Interpretation of accuracy
- V. Operating Manual FLUKE 5500A
Our courses and instructors are registered with the STPS.
We deliver Evidence of Labor Skills (DC-3).